Our service begins at
10.45 am
It lasts about an hour and is followed by a cup of coffee or tea

All are welcome at St Johns.
If you haven't been to church for a while you might wonder what goes on in a Sunday worship service at St John's?
We sing lively songs and hymns - some traditional ones that you'll know and some great new ones that are easy to pick up
We spend time thinking and praying for our world, our community and our own lives
We listen to a talk (or sermon) about how to practically apply the bible to our own lives.
Sometimes we share bread and wine (Holy Communion) to remember what Jesus has done for us
It is informal, relaxed and friendly. There is laughter and (sometimes) tears. Nobody minds what you wear (you don't have to 'dress up').
If you aren't used to church, then we'll try and help make it easier for you. You'll soon feel at home.
Children and young people are especially welcome!
And, of course, we always have a cup of tea, a biscuit and a good chinwag after the service!
Yes, of course you can! We would be delighted to help you to celebrate the safe arrival of your child with a church christening - or 'baptism' as we often call it.
We'll want to chat with you and help you get a better understanding of baptism - but we're happy to try and accommodate your wishes and help you to have a wonderful occasion as your child is blessed and brought into the family of the church at St Johns